Israeli Killer Drone To Monitor Ladakh & Why China Afraid Of It

  indian security services are working hard to acquire such weapons which will aid them in their continuing war with china a number of aircraft drones have been purchased and smaller drones are being acquired from the us and will be deployed to soldiers at the battalion level handheld drones will be used to gather information about a certain location or region as well as to monitor that location simultaneously the indian navy has leased two predator drones from an american firm general atomics for monitoring in the indian ocean now the indian military are about to acquire four heron mark ii drones from israel which would allow him to keep a close eye on chinese actions in the ladakh region and other places along the line of actual control with china the deal was reached in mid-january between new delhi and israel aerospace industries however the arrival of the uavs was delayed due to the continuing covid19 pandemic according to times of india the first two unmanned aerial vehicles ...

Aircraft Comparison between (HAL Tejas VS PAC Jf-17 thunder)

HAL TejaS MK-1 and PAC jf-17 Thunder

 first, let's get into basics HAL Tejas mk1 was officially taken into service by the Indian Air Force in July 2016 marking a milestone for the 30 years old supersonic jet fighter program the Jf-17 Thunder also known as FC one's yelling fierce dragon lightweight multi-role combat fighter platform was developed jointly by the Chengdu aircraft industry Corporation of China and Pakistan aeronautical complex to produce a low-cost lightweight multi-role combat aircraft taking advantage of the latest avionics and weapons packages available to the former  

 India's light combat aircraft together with its variants is the smallest and lightest multi-role supersonic fighter aircraft of its class and HAL Tejas Mk-1 stretches up to 43.31 feet  26.9 feet wide and 14.44 four feet tall the aircraft weight is approximately about 6560 kilograms Jf-17 thunder is about the 48.92 feet long 31 feet wide 15.94 feet tall and weighs about 6585 kilograms.

The f404 engine family has been used in aircraft such as f-18 Hornet Kait 50 golden eagle and f-20 tiger shark the Tejas mark ii is already planned for the fielding of a more powerful engine the f-414 series and revised aerodynamic elements j-17 thunder is installed with Klimov RD 93 turbofan of Russian origin delivering 11106 pounds of standard thrust and up to 18,000 973 pounds of thrust with afterburner claim of all the engine series is also found in lightweight fighters such as McLaren 29 now let's have a look at aircraft 

the f404 engine provides Tejas a maximum list speed of Mach 1.8 that is 2205 km/h Jf-17 thunder  maximum speed is approximately Mach 1.6 that is 1960 km/h the aircraft enjoys a fair range of up to 3482 kilometers is 2164 miles with the combat radius equal to 840 miles service ceiling reaches sixteen thousand nine hundred twenty meters and lastly, 

 In terms of weaponry the Tejas maintains a base internally mounted 23 millimeter twin-barrel GSH twenty-three cannon of Soviet origin for clothes and work classified as multi-role mount that tages will enjoy access to a plethora of munitions options available to the IAF and include aired air missiles air-to-surface missiles laser-guided weaponry and conventional drop ordnance that is Indian Israeli and Russian in nature weapons will be carried across eight total external hardpoints and conventional ordnance support will include Dom bomb as well as cluster bombs standard armament for the jf-17 is an internal 23-millimeter gsh 23 two twin-barrel automatic cannon again of Russian origin additionally this weapon the system can be carried with larger caliber 30-millimeter gsh 32 series at the expense of more available ammunition in addition to this fixed armament the jf-17 can field a wide variety of air-to-air and air-to-surface ordnance across its seven external hardpoints weapon stations include the wingtip launchers four underwing stations and a single on diffusely centreline location among the ordnance options made available to the aircraft are air-to-air weapon systems including the American AIm 9L Sidewinder short-range missile family similarly the PL 5E + PL 9c broadened the short-range missile selection and supported BB armed missiles include the PL 12 air-to-surface ordnance options consist of mainstream missiles guided bombs conventional drop bombs and rocket pods among the guided amunition options are the raad ALCM cruise missile the French AM-39 Exocet anti-ship missile and anti-radiation missile precision drop bombs come in the form of the gbu 10 be gbu 12 and lt to laser-guided bombs additionally the h2 and the h4 Elektra optically guided bombs can be used as can the ls satellite-guided bomb the jf-17 is cleared for the America MK 82 and MK 8 for unguided drop bombs as well as the CVE 100 MK 20 rock I anti-armor cluster bomb.


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